Wednesday 17 October 2012

~ More Math Questions ! ~

Being a 5-2 CHAMPION is not about being able to solve a problem which you've done umpteen times.

A problem that you can solve easily is NOT A PROBLEM.

A 5-2 CHAMPION is one who perseveres and tries all sorts of methods and strategies to solve REAL PROBLEMS without giving up.


1) The mass of sand in Sack B was 1/4 the mass of sand in Sack A. After 52.5kg of the sand in SAck A and 10kg 150g of the sand in Sack B was used, the mass of sand in Sack A was 1/2 the mass of sand in Sack B. What was the total mass of sand in Sack A and Sack B at first?

ANSWER: 67.75 kg

2) The average numbenr of sit-ups performed by 15 girls and some boys was 50. The average number of sit-ups performed by the girls was 80% of the average number of sit-ups performed by all the pupils. The average numbe of sit-ups performed by the boys was 30%  more than the average number of sit-ups performed by the girls.

a) What was the average number of sit-ups performed by the girls?

b) What percentage of the pupils were boys?

ANSWER: 67.5%

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