Sunday 29 September 2013


SCIENCE ANSWERS / KNOWLEDGE which you should know:

1) Flower X did not bear fruit because it does not have stigma thus it cannot receive the pollen grains, resulting in the egg cell not being fertilised.

2) The xylem / water-carryign tubes is damaged thus water could not be transported to the leaves,....*CONTINUE EXPLAINING*.... the leave in the branch could not photosynthesise to make food and died.

3) They concluded that the greater their masses, the faster their hear rates while runing.

4) Explain how a faster heart rate helps to provide a greater amount of energy: 

The heart beats faster to pump more oxygenated blood around the body so that respiration can take place faster.

5) Give a reason why Lucas kept Plant A in the cupboard before the start of his experiment:

He wanted to remove the starch that is present in the leaves.

6) Sponge has many holes which are filled with air.

    When a sponge is put into a basin of water and pressed, air will escape and bubbles (gas) will be seen coming out of the sponge. 

Water level in the basin will decrease as the water occupies the spaces in the sponge.

7) Please be CLEAR when you describe the process of condensation!!!

Is it the cooler INNER / OUTER SURFACE!!!

If it's a car / glass / window / plastic sheet where the dew is formed.....Is it the surrounding air INSIDE or OUTSIDE...


8) The surface of the window is at the same temperature as the surroundings, *CONTINUE EXPLAINING...DON'T STOP* so no condensation occurs.

9) There are more turns of coils around steel bar B so it has stronger magnetic force / stronger magnetism.

10) Creates a close circuit so that electricity can flow. The steel bar becomes magnetised and becomes an electromagnet which attracts the iron bar.

11) Having cuts across the fish body increases the EXPOSED surface area for the fish to gain heat faster.

12) Such a behaviour allows the lizard to reduce its surface area of CONTACT with the hot desert sun, *CONTINNUE SCIENCE CONCEPT*...hence, it will gain less heat.

13) When the water in the bucket exceeds the level 'h', more water flows out of the hose at a time.

As the mass of the water flowing out increases, its gravitational potential energy increases to convert to more kinetic energy of the water wheel for it to turn faster.

As the water wheel turns faster, it possesses more kinetic energy  which in turn, is convereted to more electrical energy in the generator. As the electrical energy supplied to the bell increase, it rings faster.

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