Wednesday 29 February 2012

~ Wednesday ~

Today's Fun:

1) English Synthesis on Who/Whose/Where
(Staple extra worksheet Ex. 23/24 at the back)

2) Complete MCQ Section
- For Vocabulary Section, look up dictionary for wds. u.

3) Math Activity Book Pg. 81-82

4) Bring newspaper/oil for recycling! Save the EARTH !! :)

Tuesday 28 February 2012

~ Tuesday ~

Today's Fun:

1) Blue Files by Monday

2) English Synthesis Worksheet

3) Chinese Spelling Corrections

4) Math Activity Book Pg. 77-80

5) SFE Letter for parents (Survey to be done in AsknLearn Portal)

6) Medical Examination + Immunisation (This FRIDAY)

Monday 27 February 2012

~ Monday ~

Today's Fun:

1) English Spelling T1W7 Corrections + Signature

2) English Composition 2nd Draft (By Wednesday)

3) Math Activity Book Pg. 73 -76

4) Science Concept Map: Water (By Thursday)

5) Staple (Question Paper, Original Writing, Evaluation, 2nd Draft)

6) Chinese Mr Zhang Tan "Huo Dong Ben" Pg. 51, 57-59

~ World War II: The Fall of Singapore 1941 ~

Dear Champions,

The below 3 part documentary will allow you to have a better picture of your Social Studies Chapter 1 & 2.

Original footages of the 1941/42 WWII in Singapore! 

Saturday 25 February 2012

~ Total Defence: Singapore ~

Be GLAD that you're a Singaporean.

Fortunate enough to live in this clean, safe and beautiful country that is almost free from natural disasters.


Feel The Pride


~ Science Quiz ~

      Online- Quiz (Science)

Mr Yeo opened his box of rice yesterday and realised that there were lots of water droplets in it.

Where did the water come from? 

Write your answer on a slip of paper and drop it in the Rilakkuma pouch at the back of the classroom.

Perfect answers will be rewarded!

Submission Deadline: 29th Feb (Wednesday)  

~ Happy Birthday Ken En ~


May your wishes come true! :)

Thursday 23 February 2012

~ Friday ~

Weekend Fun:

1) English Situational Writing (TBM Name)

2) Learn Spelling !!

3) Math Worksheet (Fractions 2) Pg. 1 & 2

4) Math Activity Book Pg. 61 and 62

5) Sign Math Timed Trial 1

Math Timed Trial 2 NEXT THURSDAY !!!


- P4 and P5 Topics like Whole Numbers and Value, Fractions,
Time, Order of Operations etc.

15 Questions! 15 Mins ! 

~ Thursday ~

Dear Champions,

Please be more serious in your work, be it lesson time or when you are taking a test.

Mr Yeo have just finished marking your Math Timed Trial 1 and realised many of you had made quite a number of unforgivable mistakes!

You've got to PULL YOUR SOCKS UP!

Today's Fun:
1) Relook at Comprehension (Revision Paper)
2) English Synthesis Worksheet
3) Science Revision Ex 2 (CELLS)

Tuesday 21 February 2012

~ Wednesday ~


1) Math Activity Book Corrections (For those who managed to get it back)

2) Science CELLS Revision Book Exercise 1

3) SIGN your Science Test Paper !!!!

4) Revise CELLS using your Revision Book and Textbook!

5) Bring your newspaper + oil for RECYCLING! Do your part to save the EARTH! :)

7) Math Speed Test tomorrow!

Monday 20 February 2012

~ Tuesday ~

Today's Fun:

1) English Comprehension 3
2) Mr Zhang Tan "Xi Zi" 1 - 6 ?
3) Read Science Chapter "CELLS"
4) Look through your Math Activity Book and check for your mistakes. You should be able to detect some after going through "Fractions of a set" and "measurement" today.

5) You can try the few Fraction's problem sums in your Activity Book if you feel confident enough.

Math Speed Test 1 - This Thursday (Only 15 questions)  
- P4 Topics ( Angles, multiplication of fractions, decimals, etc.)
- P5 Topic ( Order of operation, multiplication of fractions)

Sunday 19 February 2012

~ Monday ~

Today's Fun:

1) English Spelling T1W6 Corrections & Signature

2) English Situational Writing

3) Math Activity Book Pg. 67 - 70


5) Revise on your multiplication of fractions

1.30pm - 3 p.m. !

Friday 17 February 2012

Awesome stuff

Halfway through marking the quiz you took today. Check out our top scorer so far. Amazing...

This is proof that with hard work, you can catch up although you may have started way behind everyone else.

Guess who it is?

~ Bernoulli's Principle: Dyson Air Multiplier Fan ~

Dyson's bladeless fans are designed based on Bernoulli's Principle. (Air pressure)

If you're interested to know a little more about Bernoulli's Principle:

The designer James Dyson himself explaining the science principles behind his bladeless fan:

Thursday 16 February 2012

~ Friday ~

P5 Sexuality Education Lesson

TUESDAY (21st Feburary)
1.30 p.m.  -   3.00 p.m.

Today's Fun:

1) English Learning Sheet 2.6

2) English Revision Paper (All except SW & Composition)

3) Science Cycles Workbook Pg.15 - 20

4) Sign Science Water Cycles Test

5) Submit President's Award Nomination Form

6) Sexuality Education Programme Lessons Parent's Letter

7) Sexuality Education Programme Consent Form

8) Revise your Fractions! I'll be starting on multiplication on Monday!

~ Thursday ~

Today's Fun:

1) English Active and Passive Voice Quiz

2) And/Although (For those who have not done it)

3) Math Activity Book Pg. 59, 60, 63, 64

Wednesday 15 February 2012

~ All About Cells ~

Dear Champions,

Learn the Cell Rap!

~ Loan Statistics: January ~


You've met your target that we've set at the beginning of the year! ^.^

More reading = Better writing

Keep it up! Strive to read even more books!  =)

Learn new "vocabs" , develop plots, using of different connectors and conjuctions!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

~ Wednesday ~

Today's fun:

1) English Dictionary Work for Comprehension (3)

2) A/P Voice Ex 1-3 (Memorise categories for Friday's Quiz)

3) Math Fractions (1) Worksheet Pg. 3-4

~ Water Pressure ~

The below picture shows what happens to a styrofoam cup after being brought down 10,000 feet into the ocean - Indian Ocean.

10 feet = 3.048m

10 000 feet = 3048m  = Approx 3km down into the ocean.

The pressure under the water is equivalent to almost the weight of an elephant balanced on a postage stamp, or the equivalent of one person trying to support 40 jumbo jets!

Look at the sheer amount of pressure that caused the styrofoam cup to shrink ....

~ Sigh ~


~ Happy Birthday Pearlyn ~


May Your Wishes Come True! :)

~ Tuesday~


1) EL Worksheet Ex 1-3

2) President Award Nomination Form

Monday 13 February 2012

~ Happy Birthday Hui Loo ~


May Your Wishes Come True!  ^.^

~ Happy Birthday Jiang En ~


May Your Wishes Come True!  :)

By Popular Demand

All YOUR Great Excuses

~ Monday ~


1) EL Situational Writing Draft 2

2) T1W5 Spelling Corrections + Signature! Do the cloze passage.

3) SCIENCE TEST tomorrow! *Water*

Revise through all your Science Exercise 1, 2, 3 & worksheets!

Study your textbook and memorise the important phrases and key words!

Friday 10 February 2012

It's Time...

To start improving...

Mr Yoyoyo is right.

In retrospect (looking back) at the past three weeks, I'm a little disappointed to say that as a class, your punctuality in handing in homework has hardly been satisfactory. It falls short (by a large chunk) of my expectations from champions of a good class.

Imagine that for almost every single assignment, we only managed to get an average of 32/42 people handing in on time. You all take turns to forget / not do, some of you taking more turns thn others. You know who you are - it's time to wake up. No need to choose auspicious date and time, now is just about perfect. If not now, then when?

I said this yesterday and I believe firmly in it. If I know u can't manage, I will give way and give u less work. But that also means that when I do give you work, I KNOW you can and I expect you to do it.

It's time, Champions!!!!
Dear Champions,
Start improving.
There is nothing wrong in making mistakes, but LEARN from every mistake of yours and improve.  
I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I SUCCEED. 
                                                                                                        ~ Michael Jordan

Thursday 9 February 2012

~ Friday ~

Weekend Fun:

1) 3 Pages of EL Home FUN
2) S.W Wong Book Pg 1 - 7
3) Math Activity Book Pg. 55-58


~ Thursday ~


1) Math Activity Book Pg. 51 - 54

Tuesday 7 February 2012

~ Wednesday ~


1) Study EL Test for Stellar Unit 2

2) Science Worksheet 1 and 2

3) Revise on Science Water Conservation

~ Happy Birthday Shay Liang ~


May your wishes come true! :)

~ Happy Birthday Andrea ~


May your wishes come true!  :)

~ Tuesday ~


1) English Learning Sheet 2.5
2) Revise Math Textbook Pg.45

Monday 6 February 2012

~ Monday ~

Dear Champions,

I hope all of you had an enjoyable day in school today.

Actually, I heard complains today about you being disrespectful to the teacher, talking non-stop as she was teaching, causing her to pause frequently to scold the class. 

My heart sank. 

I shall not pursue the matter, but I hope that all of my Champions would show the basic courtesy and respect to any teacher that comes into 5-2.

Behave like the best leaders, not otherwise.

I believe that tomorrow I would not hear anymore complains. If not, I will have no choice but to pursue the matter on Wednesday when I'm back.

Have an early rest tonight Champions, but do not forget about:

1) Math WB Pg. 47 -50
2) Math TB Pg. 33 -29
3) English Spelling Corrections & Signature

Sunday 5 February 2012

~ Supplementary Class Cancelled ~


Monday (6th February)

~ Boiling....Condensation ~

Better memorise how to describe CONDENSATION properly!

Boiling of water and a spoon is placed at the mouth of the beaker:

Steam loses heat and condenses to form water droplets when it comes into contact with the cool surface of the spoon.

Water droplets were seen on the outer surface of the glass containing cold water:

When the water vapour around the glass beaker comes into contact with the cold surface of the glass, it loses heat and condenses to form water droplets on the outer surface of the glass beaker.

~ Lunar New Year Part 1~

As requested by some of your parents to have it put up on the blog, here are the pictures of you in action during the Lunar New Year celebration.


~ Lunar New Year Part 2 ~

Enjoying some traditional games ......