Friday 9 March 2012

~ March Holiday ~

March Holiday Fun!

- Online Travel Declaration Letter (March Holiday) for parents


1) Complete Intensive Paper "6" (All except Composition)

2) S.W Wong Book Chapters 18, 21 and 23.
- Read through the notes and complete the exercises
- QUIZ will be in Term 2 Week 1

3) Ask N Learn Online Quiz starting 12th March (Mon)


1) MEMORISE the functions of the nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplasts, etc! I really mean MEMORISE !
You have no book to refer to during the test/exams!
Many of you cannot even spell and state the basic functions of the different parts of a cell in proper words in your Exercises 1 and 2 !

2) Start your revision for Science Test "Cells" which will be conducted on Friday, 16th March.

3) Ask N Learn Online Quiz starting 12th March (Mon)

Math: (Need not finish everything, just do what you can)

1) Math Heuristics Ex 3,4, 5 and 6

2) Complete Math Worksheet (Fractions 2)

*It works out to about 3 word problems each day. 

3) Get ready your Math File for checking.
    All Math related things to be inside.

4) Ask N Learn Online Quiz starting 12th March (Mon)*Compulsory

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