Saturday 23 June 2012

~ Weekend ~

Dear Champions,

I hope all of you have had an enjoyable June holiday! Have you? :)

Start warming up your engines in preparation for Semester 2

Semester 2 is going to be short and fast-paced with tests...CA2....tests...SA2 !!

For those who think that you could have done better, this is your LAST CHANCE to prove it!

Let's start our BATTLE and may the WINNERS emerged VICTORIOUS once more! 

What is life without stress?

No stress = No fun!

Life would be too BORING without stress!

Things to be done by/to be brought on Monday:
1) Working thermometer for temp. taking in the morning
2) Handbook
3) Finish up your AsknLearn English Task by Mrs Ang
4) Bring Math 5B books
5) Math 5A Part 2 Activity Book

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