Thursday 30 August 2012

~ Wednesday ~

Things to be brought tomorrow:

1) Math CA Paper Signature

2)  Ms Chua's Spelling corrections

3) English Worksheets (Those that you have been doing for the past few days)

Tuesday 28 August 2012

~ The Golden Math Baker ~

Primary Mathemtics Project Competition
(MOE - NUS High School)

Title: The Golden Math Baker

Done by:
Ida Chin
Roy Oliver Yeo
 Hong You Bin

~ Tuesday ~

Tomorrow 10.25 a.m.
 P5 Outdoor Camp briefing
for PARENTS !!

Pupils bring money to buy camp neccessities from 1pm onwards!


1) Owe Consent Forms Pay Consent Forms!

2) Sept Holiday Supplementary Class Consent Form

Monday 27 August 2012





But if you've already done Electricity, then just carry on with Electricity.

Just BRING 5 Concept Maps tomorrow for me to tally the marks:

1) Water
2) Cells
3) Animal Reproduction
4) Plant Reproduction
5) Systems in Living Things / Electricity

Sunday 26 August 2012

~ Tomorrow ~

1) NO Supplementary Class tomorrow.

2) Must you wear P.E attire?  Ask yourself .   =.=

- What period is my P.E lesson?
- Is it affected by the exam paper?  
- So?


1) Read the question once first

2) HIGHLIGHT the key words

3) Identify the TOPIC of the question

4) Which concept in the topic is this question testing me on?

5) What are the key words/pointers to this concept?

6) Answer the question in DETAIL using Science terms/key words.


1) Electrical Conductors allow electric current to flow through easily: Silver, Copper, Aluminium, iron, gold

2) Electrical Insulators do not allow electric current to flow through easily: Rubber, Plastic, Fabric, wood, etc.


4) Electrical conductivity of a material .....

5) Open circuit ...Closed circuit ... gap ....series....PARALLEL   (Better know how to SPELL !)

6) Electricity can cause electric shocks, fires and burns (when appliances are overheated due to high currents flowing through them).


8) Negative end, positive end

Safety precautions:

Do not touch electrical appliances or power points when your hands are wet. Water conducts electricity.

Do not poke anything into electrical power points

Do not use apliances which are damaged or have exposed wires


Fossil Fuel

Fossil fuels include oil, coal and natural gas.

They are formed from the remains of plants and animals which lived very long ago and they cannot last forever.

Burning of fossil fuels produce harmful matter such as poisonous gases. They pollute the air and cause damage to our health.

~Do you know these? ~

Human & Plant Reproduction

1) What is gestation and how long is it?

2) What happens during fertilization?

3) What is "maternal" and "paternal"?

4) Name some inherited traits and non-inherited traits

5) What are the methods of dispersal for plants and name some examples for each method of dispersal

6) What type of reproduction is there besides sexual reproduction?

7) Name all the Male and Female parts needed for reproduction in plants

8) Name all the Male and Female parts needed for reproduction in humans.

Water & Changes of State

1) Boiling ONLY OCCURS @ 100-degree celcius!

 Anything before 100 is heating, has not boiled yet !!

2) 0-degree celcius can be FREEZING or MELTING! Depends where your graph is heading to!

3) A pure substance will have a FIXED melting/boiling point.

4) Why is the temperature constant during melting/freezing/boiling

5) What is the difference between Boiling & Evaporation? What is the similarity?

6) What are some factors that affect the rate of evaporation?

7) How does water droplets/dew form on the window, etc. ?


1) Difference between inhaled air and exhaled air?

2) Similarity and differences between the circulatory systems of a human and a plant.


4) Why do one's pulse rate increase during exercise?

5) Function of every part of an animal/plant cell.

6) Difference?

7) What is cell division?

8) Why does cell division occur?

Friday 24 August 2012

~ Science Practice Paper 2 ~

31a) When the water was heated, the hot water vapour came into contact with the cooler surface of the funnel, lost heat (1M) and condensed (1M), thus forming water droplets on the underside of the cover.

b) The liquid is colourless and tasteless.
(Don't be tricked !!!

Water vapour condenses to form the water droplets!

The liquid will not be coloured, if not your water vapour in the air would already be coloured too!

Also, salt is solid, it will not evaporate! Only the water! Salt will be left behind in the beaker!)


33a) He should change only one variable / physical condition for each seed.

b) Seed R

c) Germination of seeds does not require mineral salts, so there is no need for soil to be used.

34a) The seeds are dispersed by animals which ate the fruit.

b) The small, hard seeds are swallowed by the animals, but are undigested (1M). They are dispersed when the animals passed out the seeds (1M).    *See! Got to be very detailed!* 

35a) Blood vessel P. Blood from the heart going to the lungs has the least amount of oxygen as oxygen is used by the other parts of the body.

*READ the question properly!

They asked for WHICH BLOOD VESSEL and you are given blood vessels P, Q, R & S!

Do not give me other answers like A, B, C, D, veins, capillaries, arteries...etc.*

b) It is to supply digested food and oxygen quickly to other parts of the body to release more energy

*Many of you will miss out the 2nd part! Important! Must talk about ENERGY always!*

36a) The water is used by the leaves for photosynthesis / to make food.

b) Water moves in one way in plants while blood circulates throughout the human body.

37a) T
b) F Blood carries digested food, YES. But now the question is only asking about RED BLOOD CELL. It only carries oxygen!
c) T
d) F

38a) The bulbs in both circuits are arranged in series, that is why the brightness of the bulbs are the same in both circuits.


39a) Ali was investigating the flexibility of materials / if the materials are flexible or not.

b) Thickness / length of material.

40a) She should bring each electromagnet close to some paper clips / pins/ staples. (0.5M)

        She should count the number of paper clips / pins / staples attracted by each electromagnet. ( 0.5M)

        The more pins attracted, the stronger the electro magnet. (1M)

b) Use different number of batteries for each iron nail but same number of coils around each iron nail.

41a) Group A: Plants
        Group B: Fungi

b) He is wrong. Moss is a non-flowering plant not fungi. It can make its own food. *Elaborate! Explain!*

42a) Translucent / Frosted

b) As the thickness of Material Z increases, the amount of light passing through it decreases.

c) The experiment will not be accurate if other light sources are captured by the light sensor.

43a) As the flask was heated, the air in it gained heat and expanded causing it to be forced out of the glass tubing and into the coloured water as air bubbles.

b) The water would move up the glass tubing.

c) The air in the flask cools down and contracts (0.5M). The water in the beaker then moves up to take up the space previously occupied by air.

44a) This is to ensure that the reading is consistent and more reliable.

b) In Flask B, air was able to escape through the outlet (0.5M) of the flask. This enabled water to enter to occupy its space (0.5M).

c) Remove the cork from the mouth of the flask and lift the funnel above the flask.

Thursday 23 August 2012

~ Thursday ~

Tomorrow please bring:

1) Forms to be handed in.

2) Science Electricity Revision

3) Science CONCEPT MAP


I can see that many of you are studying hard and trying to do your best for this CA.

I'm very happy and glad to see such attitude coming from my Champions. =)

2 papers are down. You're left with your MT and Science.

BOTH are VERY IMPORTANT papers too.

Do not slack.
HANG IN THERE. It's not over yet.

Give your best shot and you'll be happy when you get your results back next week.

You're doing GREAT with your attitude.
KEEP THE ENERGY GOING for the next 2 Papers!


Wednesday 22 August 2012

~ Answers ~

Answers for those people who stayed back during recess to do the extra questions.

Sorry that you've got to tilt your head!
I have no time to edit and straighten the pictures.

* Error in Q5. answer. 

2nd step should be "97/4" instead of 96/4.
Ans: 23 11/12

~ MATH CA Pointers ~

Important Pointers You MUST know:

1) Multiplication & Division of Mixed numbers / fractions

2) Converting fractions to decimals / decimals to fraction

3) Volume = Length x Breadth x Height

4) Volume = Area x Height

5) Height = Volume / Area

6) Area = Volume / Height

7) 1000 cm3 = 1000 ml = 1L

8) Rounding off to 1 Decimal Place / 2 Decimal Place

9) Conversion from ml to L , L to ml, g to KG, KG, to g , etc.

10) Area of Triangle = 1/2 x Base x Height

11) Height of Triangle is always PERPENDICULAR from BASE
to HIGHEST POINT of triangle

12) Area of Square, find the sides

13) Perimeter is the OUTLINE of the figure

14) Area is the space inside the figure (cm2 / m2 / km2)

15) Conversion of fraction to SIMPLEST FORM

16) BODMAS ( Bracket, Division, Multiplication, Attraction, Subtraction)

17) HEURISTIC Booklet

18) NO ml divide by Litre or Litre divide by ml, KG divide by grams, etc.

1.5L divide by 300ml = 1.5 divide by 300 = 0.005 (WRONG!)

Must convert all to the same units before dividing or multiplying etc.!     1500ml divide by 300ml = 5

Things you MUST remember:

1) NEVER FORGET to write the UNITS. Even in the WORKINGS!!!

2) Give a reason first for number sentence before even doing.

Example:    Marbles left -----> 25/100 x 400 = 100 marbles

3) Highlight KEY WORDS

4) READ the question again and again and AGAIN.


BREAK the problem up and solve it slowly part by part. 

Use pictures or diagrams or models, etc. to allow yourself to have a clearer picture of the question.

5) Be careful! Stop using MENTAL calculations.
    Do working to get METHOD MARKS !
    Working must be clear and makes sense if not NO Method Marks.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

~ CA Practice 3 ~

Challenge Yourself! Paper 2 questions!

1)  Ian bought 3 identical books with 4/7 of the money he had. He could buy exactly 1 more of the book and 5 identical pens with the remaining amount of money. How many pens could he have bought with all the money he have? Ans: 21pens

2) The total number of oranges in Baskets X and Y is 280. There are 224 oranges in Baskets Y and Z. While the total number of oranges in Baskets X and Z is 232.

a) How many more oranges are there in Basket X than in Basket Z? Ans: 56

bi) How many oranges are there in Basket X?Ans: 144
ii) How many oranges are there in Basket Y?Ans: 136

3) When I divide X by 6, there is no remainder.
    Which of the following can be the remainder when the same number is divided by 12? 

0 / 3 / 6 / 8 / 9 / 11 / 12 / 18   (Circle all possible answers) Ans: 0, 6

4) Syahmi had 336 more stamps than Nizam. After Syahmi and Nizam gave 60 stamps each to Fairuz, Syahmi had 3 times as many stamps as Nizam and Fairuz had 80 stamps fewer  than Nizam.

Find the number of stamps that 
a) Nizam and
b) Fairuz had at first. ERROR  Question!!

~ Tuesday ~

Tuesday's Work:

1) STUDY for your English Paper! MAIN PRIORITY!

2) Science Concept Worksheet (10min)

3) Science MCQ Paper (Try when you have the time)

4) Math Blog Questions ( Good to practice, useful)

5) Bring your Electric Ex. 1 & Textbook

Sunday 19 August 2012

~ CA Practice 2 ~

1) 5 children shared  4/5 of a pizza equally. What fraction of the pizza did each child receive?  *Very Common*  Ans: 4/25

2) Eric's current age is  1/4  of Roy's. In 24 years time, Roy's age will be 14 less than twice Eric's age. What is Roy's age now?
*Common* Ans: 20 years old now

  3) A basket contains mangoes, oranges and pears.  1/7  of the fruits are mangoes.  1/3  of the remaining fruits are oranges and the rest are pears. There are 24 fewer oranges than pears. How many mangoes are there in the basket? *Very Common* Ans: 12 mangoes

4) How many eights must be added to 2 3/4  to make 4 1/2 ?
*Very Common* Ans: 14 eights

5) Quan Hao baked some dark chocolate and white chocolate muffins for a charity event.  4/7  of the muffins that he baked were dark chocolate. There were 108 white chocolate muffins. He sold  5/12  of the muffins and gave the unsold muffins to his friends. How many muffins did he give to his friends?  *Very Common*
Ans: 147 muffins

6) Wen Xin had some money. She spent  2/5  of her money on 1 dining table and 4 chairs. She then spent  1/3   of her remaining money on an oven. Each chair costs $140 less than the dining table. *Paper 2 type*

(a) If Wen Xin spent $195 on the over, how much did she spend on the dining table and 4 chairs? Ans: $390

(b) What is the cost of the dining table? Ans: $190

7) Mr Yeo had some red and green beads. 7/11 of the beads were red and the rest were green. After giving away 105 red beads, the number of red beads left was half of the number of green beads. How many green beads did she have?  *Very Common*
Ans: 84 green beads

The figure WXYZ below shows a floor which is made up of a rectangle and a square. The area of the square is 64m2.

(a) If the area of the rectangle is twice that of the square. Find the perimeter of the floor. Ans: 64m

(b) Given that it costs $26 to tile 1m2, how much does it cost to tile the whole floor completely? Ans: $4992

9) Kiat Liang and Christal have some money. If Kiat Liang gives Christal $20, they will have the same amount of  money. If Christal gives Kiat Liang $25, Kiat Liang will have twice as much money as Christal. How much money does Christal have?
*Challenging* Ans: $115

10) Ida took 30 minutes to wash the toilet while Safirah only took 15 minutes to wash it. How long would both of them take to wash the toilet together?  *Challenging Paper 1 type* Ans: 10min


Wishing all our Muslim friends


Saturday 18 August 2012

~ CA Practice 1~

You MUST be able to solve these "common" questions by now.

1)  3 times of a number is more than 3/4 of the number by 126.
     Find the number.  Ans: 56

2) Darren had 49 paper clips and Shay Liang had 644 paper clips. After their mother gave them each an equal numbenr of paper clips, Darren had 1/8 as many paper clips as Shay Liang.
How many paper clips did their mother give each of them?
Ans: 36

3) Mrs Yeo bought some identical dresses for $480. If she bought them at the Great Singapore Sales, she could buy them at a discount of 25%. With the amount saved, she could then buy 2 more of such dresses at the discounted price. How much did Mrs Yeo pay for each dress. Ans: $80

Ans: 56 cubes

Ans: 4.8min

6) Andrea has 3 tanks, A, B and C. Tank A is completely filled with water and Tank B is half-filled with water. There is no water in Tank C. She poured 7/8 of the water from Tank A and all the water from Tank B into Tank C.

How much more water does Andrea have to pour into Tank C so that the water level in Tank C is 3cm from the top of the tank? Give your answer in litres.

Ans: 24.39L

Ans: 2700 cm3

Friday 17 August 2012

~ Electric Circuit Question ~

Where should Ashraf put a switch in the below circuit, which will allow him to turn on or off 1 bulb only?

Courtesy of Wen Xin! :)

Thursday 16 August 2012



1) Timed Trial 1 to 6
2) Heuristic Booklets 3, 2, 1
3) Topical Worksheets
( ...the above 3 will allow you to just scrape through CA)

To be better prepared and to score Band 1 at least...master the questions below...

4) 2 SA Revision Papers
5) SA 1 Paper
6) 2 CA Revision Papers
7) Enrichment Worksheets
8) Worksheets/exam papers that I've given!

Pointless to just look at the corrections and understanding it.

90% of the time you'll understand the corrections at that moment but DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SOLVE IT if given the question again!

Try to attempt the question again on a piece of paper WITHOUT looking at the corrections!

1st: Read the question one time. Try to understand it first.

2nd: Read the question again and now try to understand EACH SENTENCE by itself.

3rd: Solve 1 SENTENCE at a time.

4th: Check answer.

5th: If you got the wrong answer again.
        Check WHICH PART you got it wrong and ask yourself WHY did you get that part wrong?
WHAT was your mistake?

You have to really make sure that you UNDERSTAND your mistake and NOT TO REPEAT THEM again during exam!

~ Friday ~

Weekend Fun!

1) EL Filing: SpaceJunk, Spelling T3W5

2) EL Compo 2nd Draft

3) Electricity Revision 3

4) Tuesday (21st Aug) Supp. Class, 1.30 - 3p.m. !!!

Tuesday 14 August 2012

~ Hari Raya Puasa Decoration ~

Champions taking pride in decorating their own classroom for Hari Raya Puasa.

...and as usual, instead of doing their job, they got distracted along the way......  =.='

~ Tuesday ~

Today's Fun:

1) File EL Stuffs: Comprehension, 2x Synthesis

2) EL Editing Ex 4. to 5

3) Electricity Revision 2

4) Parents to sign handbook (Class blog)

5) Sign "31st Aug Change in Dismissal Time" Form

6) Math Timed Trial 5,6 marks (No time today)

7) Bring Newspaper for recycling tomorrow

Monday 13 August 2012

~ Monday ~


1) Electricity Exercise 1

2) Timed Trial 5 & 6 results

3) Math CA Paper 2 (Finish at least half)