Wednesday 22 August 2012

~ MATH CA Pointers ~

Important Pointers You MUST know:

1) Multiplication & Division of Mixed numbers / fractions

2) Converting fractions to decimals / decimals to fraction

3) Volume = Length x Breadth x Height

4) Volume = Area x Height

5) Height = Volume / Area

6) Area = Volume / Height

7) 1000 cm3 = 1000 ml = 1L

8) Rounding off to 1 Decimal Place / 2 Decimal Place

9) Conversion from ml to L , L to ml, g to KG, KG, to g , etc.

10) Area of Triangle = 1/2 x Base x Height

11) Height of Triangle is always PERPENDICULAR from BASE
to HIGHEST POINT of triangle

12) Area of Square, find the sides

13) Perimeter is the OUTLINE of the figure

14) Area is the space inside the figure (cm2 / m2 / km2)

15) Conversion of fraction to SIMPLEST FORM

16) BODMAS ( Bracket, Division, Multiplication, Attraction, Subtraction)

17) HEURISTIC Booklet

18) NO ml divide by Litre or Litre divide by ml, KG divide by grams, etc.

1.5L divide by 300ml = 1.5 divide by 300 = 0.005 (WRONG!)

Must convert all to the same units before dividing or multiplying etc.!     1500ml divide by 300ml = 5

Things you MUST remember:

1) NEVER FORGET to write the UNITS. Even in the WORKINGS!!!

2) Give a reason first for number sentence before even doing.

Example:    Marbles left -----> 25/100 x 400 = 100 marbles

3) Highlight KEY WORDS

4) READ the question again and again and AGAIN.


BREAK the problem up and solve it slowly part by part. 

Use pictures or diagrams or models, etc. to allow yourself to have a clearer picture of the question.

5) Be careful! Stop using MENTAL calculations.
    Do working to get METHOD MARKS !
    Working must be clear and makes sense if not NO Method Marks.

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