Sunday 26 August 2012

~Do you know these? ~

Human & Plant Reproduction

1) What is gestation and how long is it?

2) What happens during fertilization?

3) What is "maternal" and "paternal"?

4) Name some inherited traits and non-inherited traits

5) What are the methods of dispersal for plants and name some examples for each method of dispersal

6) What type of reproduction is there besides sexual reproduction?

7) Name all the Male and Female parts needed for reproduction in plants

8) Name all the Male and Female parts needed for reproduction in humans.

Water & Changes of State

1) Boiling ONLY OCCURS @ 100-degree celcius!

 Anything before 100 is heating, has not boiled yet !!

2) 0-degree celcius can be FREEZING or MELTING! Depends where your graph is heading to!

3) A pure substance will have a FIXED melting/boiling point.

4) Why is the temperature constant during melting/freezing/boiling

5) What is the difference between Boiling & Evaporation? What is the similarity?

6) What are some factors that affect the rate of evaporation?

7) How does water droplets/dew form on the window, etc. ?


1) Difference between inhaled air and exhaled air?

2) Similarity and differences between the circulatory systems of a human and a plant.


4) Why do one's pulse rate increase during exercise?

5) Function of every part of an animal/plant cell.

6) Difference?

7) What is cell division?

8) Why does cell division occur?

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