Sunday 26 August 2012


1) Electrical Conductors allow electric current to flow through easily: Silver, Copper, Aluminium, iron, gold

2) Electrical Insulators do not allow electric current to flow through easily: Rubber, Plastic, Fabric, wood, etc.


4) Electrical conductivity of a material .....

5) Open circuit ...Closed circuit ... gap ....series....PARALLEL   (Better know how to SPELL !)

6) Electricity can cause electric shocks, fires and burns (when appliances are overheated due to high currents flowing through them).


8) Negative end, positive end

Safety precautions:

Do not touch electrical appliances or power points when your hands are wet. Water conducts electricity.

Do not poke anything into electrical power points

Do not use apliances which are damaged or have exposed wires


Fossil Fuel

Fossil fuels include oil, coal and natural gas.

They are formed from the remains of plants and animals which lived very long ago and they cannot last forever.

Burning of fossil fuels produce harmful matter such as poisonous gases. They pollute the air and cause damage to our health.

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