Wednesday 23 May 2012

For Friday

For Friday:

1) Please make sure that all your Science File are ready and put it in the brown Domo cupboard.

2) Hand-in Math Intervention Worksheet

3) Do Post Test Math Worksheet (2 Periods)

Venue of MT Teachers !

Venue of Mother Tongue Teachers for MEET THE PARENTS SESSION II

Monday 21 May 2012


Today's Work:

1) RETURN the Holiday Supp. Class CONSENT FORMS!
2) Exam Paper Signatures!

Everyday forget! forgET! forGET! FORGET !!!!

3) Complete the 3 Concept Maps!

- Make sure your branches are in straight lines!
- Make sure you have arrow-heads!
- Make sure you have clear linking words!
- Make sure it is well-organised!
- Make sure there is hierarchy!

4) Science file for those who had not submitted

Sunday 20 May 2012


Important things to be brought tomorrow:

1) 3 Concept Maps on paper

2) Missing Science Worksheets + Workbooks

3) Consent Form for Holiday Supplementary Lessons

* NANJING PUPILS NEED NOT attend Thursday's Holiday Supplementary Lesson.

Friday 18 May 2012

~ Weekend ~

Weekend Fun:

1) English Free Response - Matilda

2) Spelling on Monday

3) Math Activity Book Pg 66 & 67

4) 3 Concept Maps on paper - Cells, Plant Repro. & Human Repro.

( You can use your textbook/Revision Book/PSLE Guidebooks/Assessment books as your reference)

Thursday 17 May 2012



1) Bring your Science Workbooks

2) Last day to submit COMPLETED SCIENCE FILE

3) Show parents "Travel Declaration" Letter

Wednesday 16 May 2012



1) Show parents " YNPS Upgrading Project PERI Phase 4" Letter

2) Wear P.E attire tomorrow for 1.6km in the afternoon

3) I'll start collecting the Science File tomorrow

Some leaders need to have more discipline in class....

Know what should not be done during lesson......

Know that you should NOT be hitting girls ......

Know that your bad grades is the result of your inattentiveness during lesson.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Happy Birthday Dorothea !


May your wishes come true! =)

Happy Birthday Yun Hui !


May your wishes come true! =)

Happy Birthday Syahmi !


May your wishes come true! =)


Today's Fun:

1) Bring your COMPLETED Science File to hand-in tomorrow!
2) English Compo?
3) Bring a working thermometer!
4) Go straight to the classroom in the morning
2pm - 4.30pm approximately
Wear P.E Attire!

Monday 14 May 2012



1) Finish up all your Science Corrections for all Topics (Ex. 1,2,3)
2) Get ready your Science File
3) Bring Science File to school
4) Bring Math Activity Book to School

~ Exams Are Over ! ~

Saturday 12 May 2012

Plant Reproduction Notes

Just for reference .... things that you should know.

Types of Pollination

Fruits/Seeds Dispersal and Their Characteristics

Friday 11 May 2012

Science Revision

What you SHOULD be doing these 2 days:

1) SPELLING: Make sure you get all your spelling right for all the Science words! Many are making Spelling Errors in your Revision Exercises! 

2) KEY WORDS/ PHRASES: Memorise important ones for each topic. It's to be used during the explanation of processes and those "WHY/HOW/PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER" type of questions.

3) BASICS: Make sure you know ALL your basics. Everything in your TEXTBOOK + REVISION BOOK EXERCISES. These are actually more than sufficient to see you through all your P5 work for this SA1.

4) P3/P4 Topics:  Make sure you re-read all your P3/P4 topics in your textbook! Know what is happening for each chapter!

5) Know how to read FLOW CHART, CLASSIFICATION TABLE, TABLE, etc.  All these are found in EVERY SINGLE EXAM PAPER!

6) Look at Other School Papers/Revision books and see HOW TO ANSWER each question PROPERLY.


1) Learning things that are out of the syllabus that are not covered in the textbook or revision exercises. It will never appear in the exam paper. E.g. Vacuole, Umblical chord...etc....

~Science Revision Booklet B Answer ~

Q35ai)   Rod A
        ii)  The temperature at point A is higher after 5 minutes.

Q35b)   Metal cup. Metal is a good conductor of heat. Therefore, it can conduct the heat away from the water to the surroundings more quickly.

Q36a)   Yes. The flower still has its stigma for pollen grains to stick on. Therefore, cross pollination can still occur.

      b)   Yes. Grean beans were provided with moisture, air and warmth to germinate.

Q37a) The greater the distance between the block and the light source, the shorter the length of the shadow.

Q37b)   Material Y. It casts the lightest shadow among the three materials, indicating that the most light can pass through it.

38a)   The material used is changed in the experiment.

    b)   He was trying to find out which material is least waterproof / most waterproof

    c)   Material A. Material A is waterproof / Material A does not absorb water

39a)   Plant Cells:  Cell B,  Cell C
          Animal Cells:  Cell A, Cell D

      b)   Root hairIt has a cell wall, so it must be a plant cell but because no chloroplast is present in the cell, thus it is not green and cannnot make food, thus, it would be found in the root hair. 

P3/P4 Science Topics for SA1

P3/P4 Topics to study for SA1:

- Classifying things
- Characteristics of Living Things
- Life cycle of Plants & Animals
- Matter
- Materials
- Magnets
- Heat
- Light
- Digestive System

Basically, it's just about every single topic.  =.='
They are JUST AS IMPORTANT as your P5 topics!

Just imagine if it's 4 marks approximately for each topic, that will work out to around 40 marks already!

That is why I've been telling you EVERY WEEK for the last 2 MONTHS or so TO START REVISING FOR YOUR P3/P4 SCIENCE.


Thursday 10 May 2012

~ THursday: MATH SA 1 ~

Ok, now for the MATH RESULT:

1) Many of you did not hit your targets. (We'll do some reflection in the coming days......)

2) You did not give me a heart-attack. (Thank's better than Mock Exam...Slighhhhtly...)

3) Mr Yeo is not very satisfied. (Of course. If I'm ever satisfied, my Champions will never improve.)

4) I am also satisfied. (Only for some Champions.)

5) HORRENDOUS mistakes in Paper 1 Booklet B and Paper 2. (Get ready for blasting.)



Revise hard ...Revise smartly for your Mother Tongue tonight !!!


1) Science Plant Reproduction Test

Wednesday 9 May 2012

~ HOW TO DO ? ~


CLUE: We'd practiced this kind of question for many times.....



Your teachers are disappointed with the EL result.

In order to pull your overall result up now, you have to rely on your MATH, SCIENCE & MT!

Please do your best tomorrow for your MATH.

My phone is always available.

All The Best 5-2!

Believe in yourself......
Stay Calm......


Tuesday 8 May 2012


1) Be 101% PREPARED for your EL Paper 2 !

2) Show HFMD Letter to Parents

3) Some of you still owe me your Science Revision Exercises, keeping it at home, waiting for Christmas.
Can you please remember to bring it to school, so that I can mark? Then you can bring it home to have your corrections done and use it for your revision.

4) Try the few Math Questions below on your own without looking at the solution.



Whose Question 2 ?

Question 2

Amy and Daisy shared the cost of a birthday cake for their mother in the ratio 4 : 5. Amy used 1/3 of her money to pay for her share. Daisy had $104 after paying for her share. If the ratio of Amy's money to Daisy's money at first was 2 : 3, how much did the cake cost?

Whose Question 1?

Question 1

The ratio of the number of fishes to the number of frogs in a pond is 3 : 5. After 6 frogs left the pond, there were 6/7 as many fishes as frogs. How many fishes and frogs were there altogether in the pond at first?

To make Frogs equivalent too before the 6 frogs left--->5 x 2 = 10

Therefore, Frogs should have 10 units.

But now, after 6 Frogs had left, it has dropped to 7 units.

10 - 7 = 3 units of frogs left

3 units ---> 6 Frogs
1 unit ---> 6 divide by 3 = 2 Frogs

At first ---> 6 units of fish + 10 units of frogs = 16 units

Total ---> 16 x 2 = 32 Fishes and Frogs

Darren's Question

Given that 5/6 of P is 2/5 of Q, what is the ratio of P : Q ?

Step 1) Draw 5/6 of P
        2) Draw 2/5 of Q in relation to 5/6 of P
        3) Q From 2/5...extend it to 5/5 
        3) Look at how you can divide and make all units the same size

You should get   12 : 25

Monday 7 May 2012

P3/P4 Science Topics

P3/P4 Topics to study for SA1:

- Classifying things
- Characteristics of Living Things
- Life cycle of Plants & Animals
- Matter
- Materials
- Magnets
- Heat
- Light
- Digestive System

Sunday 6 May 2012

RATIO & VOLUME Online Questions

* A REMINDER:  You will only be tested till VOLUME OF SOLID for SA1. That is why I did not teach you volume of liquid yet. We'll cover that after the exam.

Below are a few important RATIO & VOLUME questions which you'll see appearing in exams VERY OFTEN, even up to PSLE.

You MUST know how to do these. Once you know the strategy, it's VERY SIMPLE.

Do it in your Math Journal/Fullscap with the title:

Ratio & Volume Online Questions

1) The ratio of the area of Rectangle A to the shaded part is 7 : 3. The ratio of the area of Rectangle B to the shaded area is 5 : 2. What is the ratio of the area of Rectangle A to that of the area of Rectangle B?

2) Zhi Yin bought some magazines and comics in the ratio 1 : 3. The ratio of the number of comics she bought to the number of story books she bought was 2 : 5. Find the ratio of the number of magazines to the number of comics to the number of story books.

3) The ratio of Tabitha's Savings to Ken En's savings is 2 : 3. The ratio of Ken En's savings to Cassandra's savings is 4 : 7. Cassandra saved $1235 more than Tabitha. Find the total savings Cassandra and Ken En have.

4) During a fundraising event, Desiree and Wen Xin collected some $2 and $5 notes in the ratio of 8 : 11. They collected 48 $2 notes. How much money did they collect altogether?

5) Min Han had a piece of wire which is 260cm long. He used it to form a rectangle with its length and breadth in the ratio of 2 : 3. Find the length of the rectangle.

6)  _____ :  60   =  30 :  25.  What is the missing number in the box?

7) Find the volume of a cube given that the total area of its 6 faces is 726 cm2.  (In the previous post, the number given is wrong so it can't be solved.)

8) The volume of Figure A is 513 cm3.

   Find the total surface area of 1 cube.

Mock Exam Paper 2 (Answer)

There is more than 1 method to solving these questions. As long as your final answer is correct, you're right.

I'll explain these questions to you during lesson.





Friday 4 May 2012

In case you're suffering from the common mentality that there's nothing to revise for English.. Let me reassure you that's completely wrong. Here are some things which you can do to prepare for your coming exam (and all your 'English' exams next time)

Synthesis and Transformation
1. Read through all the notes you've been given.
2. Notes copied from the board contain rules which should be memorised.
3. Cover your answers and try the questions again.
4. Try the synthesis questions in the revision papers again too.

1. Look through all your completed comprehension exercises.
2. Identify your weaknesses e.g. incomplete sentences, tenses, phrasing, lifting etc...
3. Cover the answers and try again. You will be surprised how much you've forgotten.

Cloze Passage
Complete drawing arrows for done cloze passages.

There are things you can do to help yourself..
So please go and do them.
Dear 5-2...

Please check all your answers.
Even those which I've marked as correct.
I am pretty sure that in the rush to finish marking,
I had definitely made some mistakes despite having tried to be careful.


If you've got any questions, you can reach me at

Exercise 34

1.     Ken said that Joyce would meet us/them the next night.
2.     The police officer told the man to stay there until he was told to leave.
3.     Catherine said that she had attended a concert the previous Friday.
4.     Mrs Michaels told her students to keep their books under their tables.
5.     Alice said that she had to train harder so that she could win the race.
6.     Anna said that the parrot has colourful feathers. (FACT)
7.     Samantha said that they had returned home a few hours before.
8.     Sam and Peter said that those oranges belonged to them.
9.     Mrs Thomas told her husband to buy dinner before he went back.
10.  Dick said that that staircase led to the hidden room.

Exercise 35

1.     Peter said that Malaysia is just a short drive from Singapore. (FACT)
2.     Matthew asked June what she had done in school the day before.
3.     Linda asked if they were having lunch there.
4.     Mabel said that they were having a barbecue the next day.
5.     Nancy asked Bill what he had bought at the sale.
6.     Peter said that his sister had accidentally thrown her wallet into the dustbin.
7.     Mary asked Jim where his bicycle was.
8.     Betty said that Jack had given her a watch on her previous birthday.
9.     Agnes asked Tom if he had seen a penguin before?
10.  Lucy asks if it is possible for anyone to survive in the desert.

Exercise 42

1.     Peter says that his aunt is a taxi driver.
2.     Mark said that he was going to the beach the next day.
3.     Mr Smith said that a bird has feathers. (FACT)
4.     Jim said that he might see the dentist the next afternoon.
5.     Mrs Bassey told her students to be quiet.
(You don’t have to include ‘please’, because you are only report what someone else said. You are not the one making the request.)
6.     Mrs Trevor told her students to complete their work before they went for recess.
7.     Jerry complained that those boys liked to play in the classroom during recess.
8.     Helen told Joy that they would have a picnic there the next day.
9.     The supervisor told Mary that she had to report for work at nine o’clock the following Monday.
10.  Shirley said that her father had taken them to the library two days before.

Exercise 43

1.     Susan asked what the time was then.
2.     The police offer asked Alice if she had been there when the fire broke out.
3.     Frank asked the guide if there was another way out of that forest.
4.     Francis asked his sister where she had been the day before.
5.     Mrs Brown asked her daughter who was the boy she was playing with.
6.     Jill asked Jack if he was going to her house that day.
7.     Thomas asked whose book that was.
8.     Sue said that she had drawn a picture of her favourite animal during art lesson the previous week.
9.     Ann said that there were many people entering the shopping centre then.
10.  Lucy said that those roads would be closed to traffic that weekend.