Friday 4 May 2012


VOLUME: BASIC QUESTIONS that you should know.

Please attempt these in your Math Journal or on piece of fullscap.

1) A wooden cuboid measures 28cm by 15cm by 10cm. What is the maximum number of 4-cm cubes that can be cut from it?                           


2) A wooden block measures 32cm by 27cm by 12cm. Find the greatest number of 2-cm cubes that can be cut from it.

3) An iron cube of side 6cm is melted and recast into a cuboid which has a square base of side 4cm as shown below. What is the height of the cuboid?

4) How many 1-cm cubes can be fit into a box measuring 11cm by 8cm by 2cm?

5) Find the volume of a cube given that the total area of its 6 faces is 394cm2


The ratio of a rectangle's length to its breadth is 7 : 3. If the difference between its length and breadth is 96cm, find the perimeter of the rectangle.

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