Friday 4 May 2012

Dear 5-2...

Please check all your answers.
Even those which I've marked as correct.
I am pretty sure that in the rush to finish marking,
I had definitely made some mistakes despite having tried to be careful.


If you've got any questions, you can reach me at

Exercise 34

1.     Ken said that Joyce would meet us/them the next night.
2.     The police officer told the man to stay there until he was told to leave.
3.     Catherine said that she had attended a concert the previous Friday.
4.     Mrs Michaels told her students to keep their books under their tables.
5.     Alice said that she had to train harder so that she could win the race.
6.     Anna said that the parrot has colourful feathers. (FACT)
7.     Samantha said that they had returned home a few hours before.
8.     Sam and Peter said that those oranges belonged to them.
9.     Mrs Thomas told her husband to buy dinner before he went back.
10.  Dick said that that staircase led to the hidden room.

Exercise 35

1.     Peter said that Malaysia is just a short drive from Singapore. (FACT)
2.     Matthew asked June what she had done in school the day before.
3.     Linda asked if they were having lunch there.
4.     Mabel said that they were having a barbecue the next day.
5.     Nancy asked Bill what he had bought at the sale.
6.     Peter said that his sister had accidentally thrown her wallet into the dustbin.
7.     Mary asked Jim where his bicycle was.
8.     Betty said that Jack had given her a watch on her previous birthday.
9.     Agnes asked Tom if he had seen a penguin before?
10.  Lucy asks if it is possible for anyone to survive in the desert.

Exercise 42

1.     Peter says that his aunt is a taxi driver.
2.     Mark said that he was going to the beach the next day.
3.     Mr Smith said that a bird has feathers. (FACT)
4.     Jim said that he might see the dentist the next afternoon.
5.     Mrs Bassey told her students to be quiet.
(You don’t have to include ‘please’, because you are only report what someone else said. You are not the one making the request.)
6.     Mrs Trevor told her students to complete their work before they went for recess.
7.     Jerry complained that those boys liked to play in the classroom during recess.
8.     Helen told Joy that they would have a picnic there the next day.
9.     The supervisor told Mary that she had to report for work at nine o’clock the following Monday.
10.  Shirley said that her father had taken them to the library two days before.

Exercise 43

1.     Susan asked what the time was then.
2.     The police offer asked Alice if she had been there when the fire broke out.
3.     Frank asked the guide if there was another way out of that forest.
4.     Francis asked his sister where she had been the day before.
5.     Mrs Brown asked her daughter who was the boy she was playing with.
6.     Jill asked Jack if he was going to her house that day.
7.     Thomas asked whose book that was.
8.     Sue said that she had drawn a picture of her favourite animal during art lesson the previous week.
9.     Ann said that there were many people entering the shopping centre then.
10.  Lucy said that those roads would be closed to traffic that weekend.

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