Friday 11 May 2012

~Science Revision Booklet B Answer ~

Q35ai)   Rod A
        ii)  The temperature at point A is higher after 5 minutes.

Q35b)   Metal cup. Metal is a good conductor of heat. Therefore, it can conduct the heat away from the water to the surroundings more quickly.

Q36a)   Yes. The flower still has its stigma for pollen grains to stick on. Therefore, cross pollination can still occur.

      b)   Yes. Grean beans were provided with moisture, air and warmth to germinate.

Q37a) The greater the distance between the block and the light source, the shorter the length of the shadow.

Q37b)   Material Y. It casts the lightest shadow among the three materials, indicating that the most light can pass through it.

38a)   The material used is changed in the experiment.

    b)   He was trying to find out which material is least waterproof / most waterproof

    c)   Material A. Material A is waterproof / Material A does not absorb water

39a)   Plant Cells:  Cell B,  Cell C
          Animal Cells:  Cell A, Cell D

      b)   Root hairIt has a cell wall, so it must be a plant cell but because no chloroplast is present in the cell, thus it is not green and cannnot make food, thus, it would be found in the root hair. 

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