Friday 11 May 2012

Science Revision

What you SHOULD be doing these 2 days:

1) SPELLING: Make sure you get all your spelling right for all the Science words! Many are making Spelling Errors in your Revision Exercises! 

2) KEY WORDS/ PHRASES: Memorise important ones for each topic. It's to be used during the explanation of processes and those "WHY/HOW/PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER" type of questions.

3) BASICS: Make sure you know ALL your basics. Everything in your TEXTBOOK + REVISION BOOK EXERCISES. These are actually more than sufficient to see you through all your P5 work for this SA1.

4) P3/P4 Topics:  Make sure you re-read all your P3/P4 topics in your textbook! Know what is happening for each chapter!

5) Know how to read FLOW CHART, CLASSIFICATION TABLE, TABLE, etc.  All these are found in EVERY SINGLE EXAM PAPER!

6) Look at Other School Papers/Revision books and see HOW TO ANSWER each question PROPERLY.


1) Learning things that are out of the syllabus that are not covered in the textbook or revision exercises. It will never appear in the exam paper. E.g. Vacuole, Umblical chord...etc....

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